PCED sponsors educational events showcasing Hawaiian culture, history and achievements.
Supporting Native Hawaiian Organizations to benefit the Global Hawaiian Community
For the past several years, PCED Director, Mr. James Kimo Kahoano, has hosted a weekly radio show on 940AM where listeners received up-to-date information on important issues in the Hawaiian community with an emphasis on assisting Native Hawaiians to succeed economically through exposure to business mentoring, training and community resources. In addition, Mr. Kahoano’s association with PCED allowed him the opportunity to work with partners and a variety of non-profit organizations in the community, including:
Ahahui Ka`ahumanu
Aloha Festivals
Assn of Hawaiian Civic Clubs
Carole Kai Charities
Daughters of Hawaii
Friends of Hawaii Libraries
Friends of Iolani Palace
Gabby Pahinui Music Festival
Hanalani School
Hawaii Food Bank
Hawaii Mission Houses Museum
KEY Project
King Kamehameha Celebration Commission
Lions Clubs of Hawaii
Lunalilo Home
Mālama o Nā Keiki
Maui Steel Guitar Festival
Merrie Monarch Festival
Nā Hoku Hanohano Awards
Nā Koa `Anuenue
Palolo Chinese Home
Prince Kuhio Parade
Prince Lot Hula Festival
Punana Leo
Queen Emma Summer Palace
Ronald McDonald House
The Royal Order of Kamehameha
United Cerebral Palsy
UH JROTC Program
Variety School
Wounded Warriors
Education and Skills Training in Hawaiian Communities
PCED also provides assistance to Native Hawaiian owned start-up companies. This assistance has include business consultation, office space and incubation.
Wendell Jung, PCED President is the immediate past President of the Board of Directors to the Native Hawaiian Organizations Association. In this role, he provided leadership, guidance and support to fellow members and forward visioning for the organization.
PCED has worked with the University of Hawaii’s Native Hawaiian Science and Engineering Mentoring Program (NHSEMP) to provide summer work opportunities for engineering students completing their second or third year of study in the College of Engineering. Invaluable experiences were provided as student interns worked alongside engineers and others, helping to find solutions to real problems for federal contract projects. This work was supported by a National Science Foundation grant, specifically for NHSEMP students
In addition PCED has offered a variety of different experiences to college students during the summer, usually in the student’s major field of study. These have included, the areas of Information Technology, Engineering, Accounting and technical writing. College credit and/or monetary renumeration have been available to these summer hires.
Moreover, PCED has provided support to:
Purple Mai’a: Through Na Ali’i’s encouragement, PCED provided assistance and support to Purple Mai’a, a new, innovative STEM/computer education program whose mission is to build pathways of knowledge together with high-opportunity youth to help communities thrive. Purple Mai`a currently provides beginning coding and computer science training to students and 'ohana in nine locations in elementary and secondary schools and communities with high concentrations of Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander students.
Purple Mai'a enrollees and their kupuna learn together
Web Design class for students in various communities
Sharing Hawaiian Culture in the Native Hawaiian Community and the Community at Large
National Guard Youth Challenge Academy (YCA):
PCED has provided volunteers to assist and train youth in kit assembly for the Hawaii of which over 30% of the participating youth are of part-Hawaiian ancestry. In addition, PCED volunteers contributed hundreds of hours of instruction and supervision for robotics classes held at this facility in Kalaeloa. Each class typically trained 30 youth in its biannual classes. The classes provided hands-on training to prepare these students for possible employment with skills such as kit assembly and light manufacturing. In 2010, a promising YCA graduate was hired to work at Pelatron’s manufacturing facility.
Youth Challenge Academy Cadets working on
Robotics Projects
PCED has provided support to Loko ‘Ea, a 400-year old Native Hawaiian fishpond located in Hale`iwa, O’ahu. Na Ali’I staff has provided physical labor on community workdays to assist with the restoration of this cultural treasure.
Malama Loko `Ea, the community organization caring for this fishpond, provides educational opportunities for young children through adults for species identification, scientific experimentation and an appreciation of ancestral ways of doing.
Loko "Ea fishpond clean up at Hale 'iwa
Fry catching instruction at Loko 'Ea fishpond
Nanakuli Pathways to Health and the Lana’i Community Health Initiative, both programs under the Native Hawaiian Center for Excellence, University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine provide enrichment opportunities for students at both elementary and secondary levels, including travel to O’ahu to explore STEM and health-related occupations.
Nanakuli Pathways to Health provides enrichment and educational opportunities in STEM that involve students and community alike.
O.H.I.A., "One Hawaii in Action":is a Hawaiian educational leadership-building and policy studies organization with a focus of "One Hawaii in Action" through diversity. One of its founding members, Senator Daniel K. Akaka, envisions OHIA fostering Hawaiian leadership based on enduring values of Hawai'i's kupuna.
Hui Ho'ona'auao Lunchtime event featured guest speaker, Ipo Kanahele Wong, O Ni`ihau, Ku`u One Hanau Ni’ihau, My Birth Sands
PCED also provides quarterly “talk story” lunchtime lectures for all staff of PCED companies. Hui Ho’ona’auao invites experts in various topics related to Hawaiian culture and history; some of those topics have included Kamehameha I and Kamehameha II, Mālama Honua (the worldwide voyage of the Hokule`a), Queen Emma and the founding of Queen’s Medical Center and a talk by Sen. Daniel Akaka about Hawaiian Values in the Modern World, including ALOHA.
Hui Ho'ona'auao Lunchtime Event, featured guest speaker Senator (ret) Daniel K Akaka , Hawaiian Aloha
Hui Ho'ona'auao Lunchtime event featured guest speaker, Senator (ret) Daniel K. Akaka, Hawaiian Values.
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